5 Things Sales Taught me…

I started my career 4 years back with sales. Sales has taught me a lot professionally. But today i want to share how sales helped me to grow personally. So here are 5 things that sales taught me.

  1. Politeness: I was never rude to anyone in my life, but like others i used to shout at any kind of discomfort caused by anyone. But being in sales taught me how important it is to be polite and have empathy. Now whenever i am travelling in a crowded public bus, and someone steps on my shoe, i do not shout, i politely make a way for the person to move. I can feel the change within me.
  2. Communication: It is always said that communication is a 2 way street. you need to speak good, but you got to listen better. I was always a good speaker, but never a good listener. Sales taught me the importance of listening. For the clients and customers it is very satisfying if we listen to their needs, and suggest them the best possible solution, instead of telling them about each and every feature of each and every product.
  3. Patience: I was a very impatient person. If i want something, i will have to get it same day, or else i wont be able to sleep at night. Being in sales, made me to have patience. It is very rare that sales closure happens on the same day. It takes days, or sometimes even months to close a sale. A regular follow up and patience is important for sales.
  4. Confidence: I was always a bit shy, while interacting with someone whom i have just met. I was never the one to start a  conversation. And i knew that i lack confidence, i did not  know how to improve. When I started my career, and started meeting new people everyday, it improved. Sales built a confidence within me, and now meeting new people and interact with them is my day to day work.
  5. Smiling: And at last but not the least, Sales taught me the most important lesson of my life. No matter how tough the time is, it will pass, Just Keep Smiling. 🙂


I always said, sales is not just about numbers, and finishing your target. Sales can teach you a lot, if you are open for it, professionally and personally. And being in Sales has definitely made me a much better person.




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