Love the product you are selling.

Oh yes, the title is little confusing. Earlier I have discussed about the Importance of product knowledge in sales. Now lets take it one step further. What happens when you love something and You are telling about it to your friends?? You talk about it as if it is the best possible product they can … More Love the product you are selling.

Power of Positivity

People talk a lot about the skills and knowledge a sales person should possess.  But what they never tell you is how important it is to be in a positive mind set. Every one carries an aura around them, and that aura effects the environment where they are sitting, eating or working. These aura or … More Power of Positivity

Product Knowledge

 How important is product knowledge. According to me its more of a necessity than just a quality. A Sales person should know the product in and out. What are the advantages of using the product, what are the disadvantages, What features does it have, What is the USP ( Unique Selling Point) etc etc. The … More Product Knowledge


What is sales.. ?? Is it just going to clients or customer , telling them about the product, and expect that they might buy??? No.. The term sales is much bigger than that. Sales is not only making people buy your product or services but its also letting people know about the product and service. … More Sales…