Importance of Acquiring New Skills

Well, How important is learning and acquiring new skills for your career. At the start of my career i often felt, i am into sales. why do i need to learn new technical skills, my job is to just crack the numbers given to me as my target. And it took me 2 years to understand this.

People.. In today’s world, your competition is always standing just behind you, waiting for a opportunity to take over. And if you think that just achieving the targets is always going to keep you ahead, then you are completely mistaken. Now a days companies look for people, who can help the business in more than one way. and when they get someone like that, they are going to bring him at front, and you will keep on sitting where you were.

Everyday the technology is changing. it is getting advanced day by day. And if you do not change your self with time then you will be left behind, so just like the software of your phone or laptops you need to update yourself from time to time. Change and Advancements are part of life,  you will have to be open to it, and give some of your time and energy to it.

Today the world is open for knowledge. Every bit of information is available online, you just need to search for it, or shall i say “GOOGLE” it. Every one is starting, where you are starting from. What makes the difference is the willingness to learn and Change with time.

So if you are in sales, keeping yourself updated with the uses of  ERP software, CRM software, any update in the product or industry is minimum requirement.

And always remember, your additional knowledge and skills are the only thing which is going to make your resume stand out from the crowd…





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